Fukushima 18 mars - Communiqué Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency

  • @lexis

March 18, 2011
Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency
Seismic Damage Information (the 31st Release)
(As of 22:00 March 18th, 2011)
Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) confirmed the current situation of Onagawa NPS, Tohoku Electric Power Co. Inc.; Fukushima Dai-ichi and Fukushima Dai-ni NPSs, Tokyo Electric Power Co. Inc. (TEPCO); Tokai Dai-ni NPS, Japan Atomic Power Co. Inc. as follows:
Major updates are as follows.
1. Nuclear Power Stations (NPS)
 Fukushima Dai-ichi NPS
<Situation of Water Spray>
・ Hyper Rescue of Tokyo Fire Department arrived at the Main Gate and started an entrance procedure for the preparation of water spray. (23:30 March 18th)
< Recovery of the power supply >
・ A survey was started for the connection to the external power supply for each unit. (23:00 March 18th)
[Unit 1 & 2]
Work for switchboard and cabling is scheduled until March 19th in order to secure external power supply.
[Unit 2]
Access to the substation for reserve power supply from external transmission line was completed and cable connection is under preparation.
[Unit 3,4,5 & 6]
Work for switchboard and cabling is scheduled until March 20th in order to secure external power supply.
2. Action taken by NISA and other agencies
[March 18th]
15:55 TEPCO reported to NISA Accidents and Failures with regard to Fukushima Dai-ichi Unit 1,2,3&4 (Leakage of the radioactive materials inside of the reactor building to non-controlled area) pursuant to the Paragraph 3, the Article 62 of the Nuclear Regulation Act.
16:48 JAPCO reported to NISA Accidents and Failures with regard to Tokai Unit 2 (Failure of the seawater pump moter of the emergency diesel generator 2C) pursuant to the Paragraph 3, the Article 62 of the Nuclear Regulation Act.
1. The status of operation at NPS (Number of automatic shutdown units: 10)
 Fukushima Dai-ichi NPS, TEPCO (Okuma Town and FutabaTown, Futaba County, Fukushima Prefecture)
(1) The status of operation
Unit 1 (460MWe): automatic shutdown
Unit 2 (784MWe): automatic shutdown
Unit 3 (784MWe): automatic shutdown
Unit 4 (784MWe): in periodic inspection outage
Unit 5 (784MWe): in periodic inspection outage
Unit 6 (1,100MWe): in periodic inspection outage
(2) Major Plant Parameters (22:00 March 18th)
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Reactor Pressure*1
0.085 (A)

CV Pressure
(D/W) [kPa]

Reactor Water Level*2 [Mm]
Not available(B)

Suppression Pool Water Temperature
(S/C) [℃]

Suppression Pool Pressure
(S/C) [kPa]
down scale
down scale

Spent Fuel Pool Water Temperature

Time of Measurement
March 18th
March 18th
March 18th
March 14th
March 18th
March 18th
*1: Converted from reading value to absolute pressure
*2: Distance from the top of fuel
*3: Recovered
(3) Report concerning other incidents
・ TEPCO reported to NISA the event in accordance with the Article 10 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness regarding Fukushima Dai-ichi. (15:42 March 11th)
・ TEPCO reported to NISA the event (Loss of reactor cooling function) falling under the Article 15 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness regarding Units 1 and 2 of Fukushima Dai-ichi. (16:36 March 11th)
・ The cable for receiving electricity from the transmission line of Tohoku Electric Power Company was installed. It is scheduled to be connected to Unit 2 after the completion of discharge work. (17:30 March 17th) The content of operations for recovery of external power supply to Unit 1 to 4 (Power supply from Electric transmission grid of Tohoku Electric Power Co., and from the route via transformer sub-station of TEPCO) is being confirmed. (06:30 March 18th)
<Unit 1>
・ Seawater was injected to RPV via the Fire Extinguishing System Line (Started up 11:55 March 13th) →Temporary interruption of the injection (01:10 March 14th)
・ The sound of explosion in Unit 1 occurred. (15:36 March 12nd)
・ Seawater is being injected. (22:00 March 18th)
<Unit 2>
・ Water injection function was sustained. (14:00 March 13th)
・ The Blow-out Panel of reactor building was opened due to the explosion of the Unit 3 reactor building. (After 11:00 March 14th)
・ Reactor water level was decreasing. (13:18 March 14th) TEPCO reported to NISA the event (Loss of reactor cooling functions) falling under the Article 15 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness. (13:49 March 14th)
・ Seawater injection to RPV was ready through the Fire Extinguishing System line. (19:20 March 14th)
・ TEPCO evaluated core damage of Unit 2 was “less than 5%” (22:14 March 14th)
・ Water level in RPV in Unit 2 is decreasing. (22:50 March 14th)
・ A sound of explosion was made in Unit 2. As the pressure in Suppression Chamber decreased (06:10 March 15th), there was a possibility that an incident occurred in the Chamber. (06:20 March 15th)
・ Access to the substation for reserve power supply from external transmission line was completed and cable connection is under preparation. (22:00 March 18th)
・ Seawater injection to RPV continued. (22:00 March 18th)
・ White smoke continues to be generated from the Blow-out Panel of reactor building.(22:00 March 18th)
<Unit 3>
・ Fresh water was injected to RPV via the Fire Extinguishing System Line (FESL). (11:55 March 13th)
・ Seawater was injected to RPV via FESL. (13:12 March 13th)
・ Injection of seawater for Unit 1 and Unit 3 to the Primary Containment Vessel (PCV) was interrupted due to the lack of seawater in pit. (01:10 March 14th)
・ For Unit 3 injection of seawater into PCV was restarted (03:20 March 14th)
・ The pressure in PCV of Unit 3 rose unusually. (7:44 March 14th) TEPCO reported to NISA the event (Loss of reactor cooling function) falling under the Article 15 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness. (7:52 March 14th)
・ For Unit 3 the explosion like Unit 1 occurred around the Reactor Building (11:01 March 14th)
・ The white smoke like steam generated from Unit 3. (08:30 March 16th)
・ Because of the possibility that PCV of Unit 3 was damaged, the workers evacuated from the central control room of Unit 3 and 4 (common control room). (10:45 March 16th) Thereafter the operators returned to the room and restarted the operation for water injection. (11:30 March 16th)
・ Seawater was discharged 4 times to Unit 3 by the helicopters of the Self-Defence Force. (9:48, 9:52, 9:58 and 10:01 March 17th)
・ The riot police arrived at the site for grand discharge. (16:10 March 17th)
・ The Self-Defence Force started the water spray from 19:35 March 17th.
・ The water spray from the ground was carried out by the riot police (from 19:05 till 19:13 March 17th)
・ The water spray from the ground was carried out by the Self-Defence Force using 5 cars (March 17th)
(The starting time of water spray by each car: 19:35, 19:45, 20:00 and 20:07 March 17th)
・ The water spray from the ground using 6 fire engines (6 tons of water per car) was carried out by the Self-Defence Force. (from before 14:00 till 14:38 March 18th)
・ The water spray from the ground using a fire engine provided by the US Military was carried out. (finished at 14:45 March 18th)
・ Seawater is being injected to RPV. White Smoke continues to be generated. (22:00 March 18th)
・ Hyper rescue vehicles (30 cars) started entrance procedure for the preparation of water spray. (23:30 March 18th)
<Unit 4>
・ It was confirmed that a part of wall in the operation area of Unit 4 was damaged. (06:14 March 15th)
・ The fire at Unit 4 occurred. (09:38 March 15th) TEPCO reported that the fire was extinguished spontaneously. (11:00 March 15th)
・ The temperature of water in the Spent Fuel Storage Pool at Unit 4 had increased. (84 ℃ at 04:08 March 14th)
・ The fire occurred at Unit 4. (5:45 March 15th) TEPCO reported that no fire could be confirmed on the ground.(06:15 March 16th)
・ Because of the replacement work of the Shroud of RPV, no fuel was
inside the PRV. White Smoke continues to be generated (22:00 March 18th)
<Units 5 and 6>
・ Emergency Diesel Generator (1 unit) for Unit 6 is operable and supplying electricity to Units 5 and 6. Water injection to the PRV and Spent Fuel Pool through MUWC is progressing.
<Spent Fuel Storage Facility>
・ It was confirmed that the water level of spent fuel storage pool was maintained full at after 06:00 March 18.
・ As of 11:19 March 18th, the water temperature in the pool is 55℃.
 Fukushima Dai-ni NPS (TEPCO) (Naraha Town / Tomioka Town, Futaba County, Fukushima Prefecture.)
(1) The status of operation
Unit1 (1,100MWe): automatic shutdown, cold shut down at 17:00, March 14th
Unit2 (1,100MWe): automatic shutdown, cold shut down at 18:00, March 14th
Unit3 (1,100MWe): automatic shutdown, cold shut down at 12:15, March 12th
Unit4 (1,100MWe): automatic shutdown, cold shut down at 07:15, March 15th
(2) Major plant parameters (As of 21:00 March 18th)
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Reactor Pressure*1
Reactor water temperature

Reactor water level*2
Suppression pool water

Suppression pool pressure
cold shutdown
cold shutdown
cold shutdown
cold shutdown
*1:Converted from reading value to absolute pressure
*2: Distance from the top of fuel
(3) Report concerning other incidents
・ TEPCO reported to NISA the event in accordance with the Article 10 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness regarding Unit 1 of Fukushima Dai-ni NPS. (18:08 March 11th)
・ TEPCO reported to NISA the events in accordance with the Article 10 regarding Units 1, 2 and 4 of Fukushima Dai-ni NPS. (18:33 March 11th)
・ TEPCO reported to NISA the event (Loss of pressure suppression function) falling under the Article 15 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness regarding Unit 1 of Fukushima Dai-ni NPS. (5:22 March 12th)
・ TEPCO reported to NISA the event (Loss of pressure suppression function) falling under the Article 15 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness regarding Unit 2 of Fukushima Dai-ni NPS. (5:32 March 12th)
・ TEPCO reported to NISA the event (Loss of pressure suppression function) falling under the Article 15 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness regarding Unit 4 of Fukushima Dai-ni NPS. (6:07 March 12th)
 Onagawa NPS (Tohoku Electric Power Co. Inc.)
(Onagawa Town, Oga County and Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture)
(1) The status of operation
Unit 1 (524MWe): automatic shutdown, cold shut down at 0:58, March 12th
Unit 2 (825MWe): automatic shutdown, cold shut down at earthquake
Unit 3 (825MWe): automatic shutdown, cold shut down at 1:17, March
(2) Readings of monitoring post
Reading of monitoring post:
MP2 (Monitoring at the North End of Site Boundary)
approx. 6,500 nGy/h (19:00 March 14th) →approx. 5,400 nGy/h (19:00 March 15th)
(3) Report concerning other incidents
・ Fire Smoke on the first basement of the Turbine Building was confirmed to be extinguished. (22:55 on March 11th)
・ Tohoku Electric Power Co. reported to NISA in accordance with the Article 10 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness. (13:09 March 13th)

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